By CatLitterLover - 08/02/2011 06:51 - United States

Today, I dropped my Xanax. It wasn't until after I washed it down with some water that I realized it was still on the floor and I had actually swallowed a pebble of cat litter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 404
You deserved it 127

Top comments

Eww, that's gross :| How could you not have seen it though? It has Xanax written on it.

Neylin 7

But you didn't realize it when you placed in in your mouth?


*Gag* * choke* *Puke* repeat as needed .

gross. YDI for not vacuuming and for eating things off the floor with a litterbox nearby

How disgusting! I have cats & never have litter anywhere except around the litter box. Learn to clean house!! God people are lazy & gross.

First of all the OP could have been pretty close to the litter box depending on where they keep it. Second of all, I find it hard to believe that you never have litter anywhere than in the immediate area of the box. It sticks to cats paws and gets tracked around every so often. In order for you never have litter anywhere else in your house you would have to constantly be following your cat around with a dust buster.

We've got a rug in front of the litterbox, and yet my cats are "smart" enough to jump over the rug. In that jump, they drag a LOT of litter with them, so that it goes flying for about 10 feet. Then gets tracked around even further in their paws and our shoes.

The bathroom is a bad place to keep your meds, to warm & to humid. I keep mine in the kitchen, besides most pill snatchers go to the bathroom first. The medicine cabinet is a big first aid kit & hubby's contact supplies.

clockworkrainbow 3

I thought Xanax were rectangular. They're called 'Z Bars' for a reason. But, Xanax is one of the many meds I haven't tried so.. I could be (and probably am) wrong.

mellomaniac 0

how do u switch a pill or cat litter?

Yeah, sure OP... You "dropped" your Xanax and drank water with cat shit in it. If you like eating shit you can say it. No one's gonna judge you...

MEM0817 18

Cause. Maybe OP was already messed up by taking Xanax earlier...