By unlicensed - 01/08/2012 16:20 - United States - Charlotte

Today, I drove 45 minutes to take my full driver's test. At the end of the test, the instructor told me I'd done everything perfectly, but had failed before I left the parking lot. I didn't see the "one way" sign at the entrance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 197
You deserved it 9 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mhopper 13

That's pretty important! Just remember that for next time.


no1hasdisid 2

Your life sucks, cuz mine was maybe 10 minutes lol

fishboy123 7

you DROVE 45 mins. to take a DRIVING test. huh?

SciFiFanatic 3

That's odd; where I live they stop you once you've failed. There's absolutely no point in continuing the test if you're for sure not going to pass. Especially before if even starts; completely pointless.

SciFiFanatic 3

Also, since you technically committed a traffic violation it's an automatic failure. In my state it's actually illegal to let a student continue their test if they've committed one of these because they're deemed too dangerous and obviously not ready to be on the road. I know laws are different everywhere, but I guess I never realized how varied they could be.

How did they drive to take a driving test? O.o

There are busses, taxis and trains you know? :)

You drove to take a droning test??? Mmmmm

"Today, I took the bus and drove 45 minutes...."

Oh my, I'm sorry, op =( That was some mean instructor. But at least you know you can nail that test next time :)

I failed mine today, two of my wheels went on the pavement. I've never done that before and I've been learning to drive for months, I was so annoyed with myself for such a stupid mistake.