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By Anonymous - 23/02/2013 01:47 - Australia

Today, I took my driver's test. I did everything flawlessly, but my examiner kept all but pissing his pants throughout. He yelled, "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" when I drove past a traffic light just as it was about to turn red. The road was almost empty. He failed me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 748
You deserved it 52 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For the test, you need to play it overly safe. Then, once you're granted a license, drive like every other crazy ******.

Your and his perception of flawless driving clearly differ. I trust his judgement more.


For the test, you need to play it overly safe. Then, once you're granted a license, drive like every other crazy ******.

Don't sweat it I had 2 flawless tests but failed both, one for rolling back on a hill and the second for not checking my blind spot. 3rd test I went I'm thinking if I fail ill just book it again. I passed with 6 minors. So keep at it!

It's not flawless if you **** those things up

22, I'm gonna side with 23 here. Those are both reason enough to fail. I'm not saying you're not a capable driver now, but not checking your blind spot? Seriously? Scary stuff. That'll cause accidents for sure.

Play if overly safe? No wonder I keep failing! I thought the trick was to show how skillful you were at driving not by driving by the rules. I guess next time I'll leave my blindfold at home, not drive backwards, and also not get out of the car going 70 to tuck and roll while the car is at a 90 degree angle making itself parallel park.

What sucks is, in NY, you can be doing ******* perfect, then when it comes to parallel parking... Hitting the curb is auto fail. Not sure about other places.

yeah. we test with our driving instructors at my high school in Utah, and they automatically fail us if we bump a curb doing a U-turn or a 3-Point turn. I'm an overly cautious driver, I didn't want my license but I had to take the class. you're allowed to miss 20 points and I missed 6, but I still havent gotten my license. ydi, op, for not playing it safe. my mom is a traffic officer and tells me stories every other night at dinner about fatal accidents that happen on "nearly empty roads".

22- idk what state u live in but its bullshit that you didnt pass for not checking ur blind spot, i forgot to check mine on my Y-turn and still passed, by a single point but i passed nontheless, i had a few more infractions then that, one of which cost me ten points but still im sorry they failed you for that, it happens all the time that people forget

79, it also happens all the time that people kill others with their reckless and/or irresponsible driving. Not checking your blindspot is enough to kill a child.

How my fiancé was killed on his motorcycle.

one of my second cousins forgot to check his blind spots while pulling on to the highway. he died in a huge accident caused by the truck he cut off.

No wonder there are so many accidents. People really need to look where they're going. It's kinda like crossing the street -- look both ways and check for hazards.

zero4life123 7

If your going to drive like all the crazy other ***** please don't get your license. There is enough idiots on the road as there is. Also running a yellow light is actually illegal when you have time to stop.

22, you and the op keep saying flawless. I do not think it means what you think it means .

157, that was really insensitive. Think about what you say before you say it.

OP, orange means slow down and prepare to stop...not accelerate!

He would have failed you anyway. If you stopped, you would have been a retard. Since you didn't stop, you are reckless and chaotic.

My brother failed for being "overly cautious"

Your and his perception of flawless driving clearly differ. I trust his judgement more.

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You really shouldn't turn too fast because you could potentially lose control of the car. Driving instructors usually know what the best thing to do is since it's their job to know.

The instructors reason was that it wears out the suspension faster, not anything to do with safety, and it really wasn't a fast turn.

Not stopping behind another car that goes after stop sign is called running a stop sign. Thats why failed. You still have to stop, genius.

Maybe y'all should come to Mississippi to pass the test. I had to drive around 1 block of houses while no one was home. Stopped at 4 stop signs and used my blinker. Took me 4 minutes for the whole test lol.

I never failed the test, genius, I got marked down because I didn't stop where you would stop if there was someone waiting to go at the sign, and rolled to the sign then I stopped.

Also, I still always stop at stop signs, even in the middle of the night when there isn't another car on the road for miles.

Are we supposed to be impressed that you follow basic driving rules?

Well, you know, you can fail for NOT breaking the rules in the place where I live. One of my friends didn't pass because the instructor asked him repeatedly to stop the car in places where parking is restricted. He thought that it was just a test, but, apparently, the instructor just needed to pee. He ended up peeing in his pants, and saw it as reason enough to fail my friend. Instructors aren't always right, you see.

Isn't an almost red light called a yellow light?

48, sweetheart, give up. You can't win this.

VampTat 10

I sincerely hope that you never get your license if you're really that idiotic enough to not know that you have to stop at a stop sign regardless of the circumstances.

My brother failed his driving test because he "stayed too long at a stop sign"....

amogletree 6

Yeah but my instructor calls it a stale yellow light lol

crackmore278 13

Man, I'm glad he failed your ass and kept you off the road.

OP still has his permit, unfortunately...

Yeah, if OP thinks that what he did is "flawless", I'd hate to see him in a hurrry.

if2013 10

Well if you'd actually read the road users handbook when you got your L's, or if you'd ever had a driving lesson, then you'd know that you have to slow down and if possible stop, at an orange light. And they can fail you on the spot for just about anything

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dreamer9614 3

In America, at least where I live, it's bright yellow. Not orange, amber, ect. It's like mustard yellow. So yeah. She's not stupid.

witchdoctor1 9

Way to bring race and country into our nice discussion. However in America not everyone is a backwards hick, or a hypocritical douche/bitch. Surprising I know. Yes we have colorblind people but they've never mistakes yellow for orange...there are quite a few shade differences between the two. And Americans know alot more colors than just the primary. Look at the crayons factors and the 150+ colors they put in their crayon box. Some kids can name all of them.

Newer traffic lights look more yellow in America. No need to get all aggravated about colors, we know you love chasing rainbows.

Only the really old lights are amber, and I've only seen them a few times.

VampTat 10

Last I checked, there is a good two or three shades/tones of a difference between yellow and orange, and the middle light definitely looks yellow to me. Maybe it's orange in Australia? Regardless, please don't stereotype us. We're not all a bunch of willfully ignorant douchbags. I probably should also mention, that the age and type of bulbs used makes a slight difference too.

Wow, last I checked when I was out earlier today that light was yellow. Bright yellow. Maybe in other countries it is orange or amber, but every light I have seen in my almost 40 years has been yellow.

Wow. Way to be an ass. Americans know a HELL of a lot more than the Internet gives us credit for. We aren't the fat, redneck idiots that the Internet wants to make us out to be. It's simply not true. I have lived in 7 different US states across the nation and driven through many more and I'll say this: everywhere I've been they have been bright yellow. They couldn't even be construed as orange or any shade in between. Don't make snide comments about Americans being uneducated if you do not want the retaliation of it. Never mind the fact it makes you look like a complete presumptuous ass.

elfie82 2

Uuummm did you guys not notice the OP is in Australia?? And our light is amber or Orange NOT yellow!! 2ndly, arent we just glad this dick didnt get his license?? As a licensed Aussie driver I sure as hell am!!!

AurumPotestasEst 16

The people saying that Americans aren't all stupid and they know the difference between yellow and orange are responding to #116.

You're correct, 116. Every time I see that odd blue light that looks as though they mixed it with the yellow, I get confused and crash into the car in front of me.

Next time just play it safe! Don't take any chances

You idiot you're supposed to slow down as soon as you see the amber light not speed up. YDI!

Clearly it wasn't as flawless as you seem to think it was. It doesn't matter if the road was 'nearly empty', if it's about to turn red, you stop. Every time you use an excuse like this, say it in your head with the word 'officer' at the end and see how well that would hold up.

"I swear the only reason I went zoomed pass the red light is because I was trying to hit over 80 so I could go fix something I screwed up in the past, officer." I'm sure that would hold up pretty well and is a great excuse.

Excellent advice. If it's a short yellow light I understand, but at least friggin try to stop. That yellow light is there to tell you that the red one is about to come on. I've seen plenty of fatal crashes on "nearly empty" streets. You have to drive like everyone else has their head up their ass. It's called defensive driving. Obviously you fell asleep for that portion of class.

SaltyLurker 10

You've "seen plenty of fatal accidents on nearly empty roads?" What do you do for a living, watch nearly empty roads?

The ruling with yellow lights is quite simple, actually: If it changes from green to yellow, then you are supposed to: a) stop, if you can still stop in time. b) continue if you cannot stop in time. Being able to stop in time here means being able to more or less "calmly" hit the brakes and bring the car to a stop before you cross the waiting line.

They're extremely picky on the road tests. Better to play it overly safe, like the way the drivers manual says to.

I had a friend who failed 15 times before passing. And she claimed she was a great driver lol

That makes me feel better about failing 5 times. She probably is a good driver but her nerves got the best of her like me.

AnyaS 19

I passed on my fifth try. I would mess up one thing and correct it the next time only to mess up what was previously correct. This kept happening a few more times. :/

nnnope 26

I passed the first time I took the road test. If you fail it fifteen times I think you need to just take public transportation and call it a day. @__@

Seriously O.o seeing all the people that have failed so many times, though, may explain the awful drivers everywhere...

I had to learn how to drive after high school for college. It was 2 months later that I took my drivers test. I thought I was going to fail but my mom made me go. And surprisingly, I passed. I didn't know how to park parallel or anything. So u guys failing that many times.. Scares me!!!

nnnope 26

What scares me, 109, is that you passed without knowing how to parallel park...

beastiness 14

You don't have to do that in some states, I never had to

iShanny 13

Yeah, parallel parking spots aren't very common here in Florida so I never had to learn it, nor have I ever had to parallel park.

nnnope 26

112 & 134: from the way 109 worded his/her comment, it's hard to discern whether he/she lives in one of those states. Why would you say something like "I passed and I didn't even know how to parallel-park!" if it's not something you had to know to begin with??

zilla52 12

it shows you still don't know how to drive if u drive past a light about to turn red