By Anonymous - 09/09/2015 18:54 - United States - Decatur

Today, I drove across two states to see my brother, who's had a history of heart problems. My mother had sent me a long e-mail saying he was on his death bed and wanted to talk to me to "get his affairs in order." When I arrived worriedly, he was fine. My mother guilt-tripped me to come visit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 731
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I assume not if her mother had to tell that big of a lie just to get her to visit...either that or she's just crazy:/ how sad.


YDI for not calling his home or checking in some other way. If he were truly on his deathbed, then an email (which may go unread for days, or sent to junk by mistake) is really not the way to inform people about it.

kellyem2 20

Exactly! Did they really think showing up unannounced to somebody with a heart condition's house was a good idea. And where exactly were they planning to the supposedly dying person's house?

saffy66 34

Buy your mother a copy of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. My brother lives long way from me but I have been there by his side when he almost died from a heart problem and needed surgery. And I know he'd be there for me in similar circumstances. There's no reason to trick people like you were tricked.

Wow that's ******. I'm sorry op. But at least your brother's okay.

Umm... That's not a guilt trip. That's just lying.

Your mom is deceitful but just enjoy your visit with your brother. Enjoy your time together and appreciate that he's not on his death bed.

middlenamefrank 8

Next time, call your brother to confirm before driving hundreds of miles. That's what the phone's for.

coolbeans26 12

Wow am I really the only person that would never forgive my mother for this? I don't care who u r literally u lie about something that serious I will NEVER trust u again. Nothing that comes out of ur mouth will be taken seriously and I sure as hell would never want to visit. So if this mother wants her child to visit her and this is how she does it? Then that's an awful way to parent.