By taylor_eileen - 26/12/2009 22:00 - United States

Today, I drove my mom home from the salon because she was feeling sick. I'm not the best driver, but I was excited that I was helping. Everything was going smoothly until I hit a bump in the road. My mom blew chunks all over. I found out very quickly that she had spicy chicken for lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 587
You deserved it 3 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the frick did you know the chicken was spicey? 'less you picked up a chunk to taste?


You say you're not the best driver, but you can't be too bad if you've passed your test :)

Eww gross!! FYL, and get your car deep cleaned with strong smelling air freshners :)

"My eyes! It's in my eyes!!" FYL Op that sucks!