By Fat Dad - 03/03/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I drove my two kids to their friends' houses. In my convertible, looking what I though was my best, I slowed down outside a bar with cute 20 year old girls in front. My daughter noticed the speed reduction and said, "Keep driving dad, you're fat and mom left you for a reason." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 655
You deserved it 43 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jayhawk63 0

Don't be creepin on the young ladies-moral of that story. Your daughter is a smart little girl.

Inkspell 2

ohhh, that old is your daughter? that's a terrible thing to say.


You're obviously a perv for checking out girls half your age, don't add dumbass to the list by doing it with your kids in the car.

DigBigPigFTW 0
DigBigPigFTW 0

Don't hate on the OP. I'm 20 and I know girls my age who have dated guys in their mid 30's who have kids. Granted, these girls I speak of aren't the brightest of the bunch but it's naive to think the OP (even with his less than stellar physique) can't score a young hottie.

i so agree with #31. i'm 20 and its really freakin creepy that u sit there checking out young women like that. men like u are what pepper spray was invented for

most of the guys i know in their midlife crisis get a motorcycle. i think its about time you got urs.

I agree with #36, and I think his daughter needs a lesson in manners. What a little bratty bitch!

Considering the fact you have a daughter that's probably at least 14-15, and you're trying to pick up 20-year old girls with your kids in the car, even -- You definitely deserved that.

you should have replied 'hey, she left you too'