By laurencoc - 31/08/2015 22:50 - Australia - Perth

Today, I dyed my hair purple. I came out of the salon and a little girl walked past and said, "Wow, you look like a mermaid!", to which her mother quickly said, "No she doesn't, she looks like her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 968
You deserved it 5 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's ridiculous. If anything, that little girl's mother doesn't love HER enough to let her express herself. She's teaching her daughter to judge others based on what they look like. Parenting fail.

your answer to that lil child " your mom is jealous honey"


BaDumTsss_fml 23

She's teaching her daughter that being unique is stupid, which is stupid. She's stupid.

Teaching little children to judge others on their appearance. Way to go, mom, great parenting. I don't know why, but to me she kind of sounds like she's jealous.

with an attitude like the she's going to cause problems for her own daughter when she's older

Why_me499 21

Yeah. she really is. I grew up with my parents judging everyone for sexuality, tattoos, hair color, hair cuts, fashion sense... now that I'm moved out I've got two tattoos, my nose and cartilage of my ear pierced, and crazy hair color. And I'm not straight. I hate what my parents did to me when I was younger. I just pray I'll be a better mother to my children and let them express themselves and be their own people.

Gee. So many judgmental people think that people that have non-natural hair colours have mental problems or something. There is really nothing wrong with it. Purple hair is AWESOME!

TheLostCauseFML 40

Ouch... What a diluted bitch... I bet your hair rocks!!!

You'll soon be able to switch off to comments like that, I've had pink hair on and off for 3 and a half years so I've had a fair share of Nasty comments about my appearance. ignore the mum and listen to the girl im sure you'd make a great mermaid!

leogachi 15

Some people are just assholes.

Oh my god past and passed are not interchangeable. Past means something that happened before the present. Passed is when someone passes you on the street. ****

"A little girl walked past (me)". That's technically how the sentence should read. Yeah, how do you like them apples.

Why_me499 21

Hate to say it but I think you need a refresher course on grammar. If she said she PASSED them on the street then that is where you would use that word, but saying a little girl walked PASSED her is grammatically incorrect. Before you make yourself sound like an idiot, at least make sure you know what you're talking about.

GamerPerson 19

Wow. What a bitch! For what it's worth, Op, I side with the little girl. Kids don't have a filter and usually speak the truth on such matter. So, you must have looked enchanting to her to be thought of as a mermaid!

It's sad to think that soon that mother will have converted her free spirited, open minded daughter into someone judgemental like her.