By Anonymous - 19/01/2012 19:45 - United States
Same thing different taste
By done - 09/08/2017 19:30 - United States - Mercer Island
How you remind me
By heartfelt - 02/08/2014 03:23 - Sweden - Uppsala
By BrokeAF - 22/12/2016 12:21
By gonnabeunemployed - 08/12/2016 21:33
Lying and scheming
By samantha711 - 10/11/2009 02:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/09/2010 07:10 - United Kingdom
Waste of time
By wasteoftime - 07/06/2017 20:00
By unprofessional - 13/04/2015 05:20 - United States - Portland
By Jesse Thames - 16/05/2019 04:03
Long goodbye
By Kali - 04/03/2015 00:28 - United States - San Francisco
Top comments
If you have four choices (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) always use either strongly agree or strongly disagree and always strongly disagree to anything ethically bad for the company (example : "I could over look an employee taking a Coca-cola without paying for it - Strongly disagree)
^ But if it says, "Have you committed murder?", be sure to answer truthfully. OP, assuming you read this, were you applying for Costco perchance? I failed one because I picked the "right" answer instead of honest answers (like "What would you do if you found $50 in the parking lot? a. Look around to see if anyone's watching, and then pocket it? b. Put it under the windshield wiper of the nearest car, since it probably belongs to whoever was in the car? c. Give it to the manager on duty so they can locate the owner d. ask nearby people if they dropped $50" I lied and said I'd give it to the manager. I think they wanted me to pick a. :P)
Surely you should ask people if they dropped any money, and then ask how much? Otherwise someone could claim to have lost the money when they haven't.
I feel sorry that your lack of intelligence can be read by a computer xD
I feel sorry for you and how rude you are.. Smh.
I feel sorry for you for not grasping my sarcasm... "smh."
Touché, Tim the talking towel.
Holy balls!! Tim has a name close to my xbox name. ToughTalkinTony :)
Kimmi should look up the definition of sarcasm ^_^ the only sarcastic part of you comment was the sorry unless of course u were truly sorry in which case u r a COMPLETE dumbass...
Why would I be sorry? Lmao
I feel sorry for how much of a bitch you are
Like how your "where" is wrong?
I actually feel bad for this FML
I don't. Everyone knows you lie, lie, lie on questions that you can actually get away with. If we all told the truth, no one would be employed.
For the fml or op?
#26 is right. This has happened to me before. I answered the questionnaire with what I thought was right and failed. Second time around, I answered with what they wanted to hear. Six years later, I'm still employed and have not had a single disciplinary action taken against me.
There are no right or wrong answers, but they are looking for somebody to work for them. So if the question was "Do you drink?" and you put "Yes, even while driving" the answer is not wrong, but you won't get the job :/
And when they ask, "If you knew you wouldn't get caught, would you steal?" the answer is supposed to be no.
If at first you don't succeed, you aren't Chuck Norris.
I think you might have failed the personality test.
It sucks you spent two hours filling out the application, but while they say "there's no right or wrong" they're still going to be looking for specific criteria. For example, if they're looking for someone to work with kids, if you say that kids tend to annoy you, they're not going to pretend to be interested in someone where the job obviously isn't going to fit them. Nonetheless, would have probably been nicer if the system kicked you out once it determined you weren't right for the job so you wouldn't waste two hours. XD

There are no right or wrong answers, but they are looking for somebody to work for them. So if the question was "Do you drink?" and you put "Yes, even while driving" the answer is not wrong, but you won't get the job :/
If at first you don't succeed, you aren't Chuck Norris.