Short Kings

By Anonymous - 08/09/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom - Hornsey

Today, I saw a display with a mirror that said, "You are made in God's image!" I'm too short to be able to see myself in said mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 348
You deserved it 60

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No stress. In all likelihood there’s no god… the mirror didn’t specify which god. There are thousands to choose from and almost all of them are assholes

The Flying Spaghetti Monster especially loves short people.


No stress. In all likelihood there’s no god… the mirror didn’t specify which god. There are thousands to choose from and almost all of them are assholes

That's a badly made display. If it really showed everything and everyone that was made in God's image, it would have a floor to ceiling mirror.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster especially loves short people.

Fun fact, Jesus was estimated to be 5'1” to 5'5., based on average heights for men during the 1st Century. I doubt he would have been able to use the mirror either.