By pissedandcomputerless - 07/11/2013 18:42 - United States - Lawrence

Today, I failed on a school presentation because I was not prepared. Apparently, the fact that my computer crapped itself and started giving off smoke last period isn't a good reason for not having my presentation prepared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 044
You deserved it 8 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling a flash drive could have saved the presentation.


upallnight11 19

So your school or the library don't have computers because...

sinekt 9

No, it's not a good reason. It's not a bad reason either, actually it isn't a reason at all. If you don't have a working computer, you FIND one. At one of your friends, parents, parent's work, internet cafe (if those still exist), neighbor etc. etc. You always have to struggle to get the best results, nothing will come to you out of the blue. Even to win the lottery requires you to get your ass up and go buy a ticket. It's called life. WELCOME !!!

With the way this is worded I can't tell if: a) You had the chance to do this presentation at home and it was your home computer that broke b) You had the chance to do it at home but left it too late and it was a school computer that broke c) You were to make and present it within the hour of your class and the computer broke d) You had made it and the computer you were supposed to be presenting on broke for the first 3 I'd say YDI because you always, always, always make backups of important work but if its the last one then yeah it'd be FYL

YDI. Should have had it finished by the period before, or at least been very close to it. At my school you can't get extensions for any computer issues unless you can't access a computer at all for an extended period of time, and you give advanced notice. You are also supposed to back up your work in at least 2 different places.

Always backup to a flash drive anything important enough to screw you if you lose it!!

romeonsingcross 15

You should have had it finished by then.

I've had a few professors like that. If universities were run like corporations, these moronic professors would have been fired a long time ago!

bobo_the_bear 5

That must have been some great **** you were downloading if it caught your computer on fire.

Perhaps doing it one period before it's due and not backing it up was completely your fault.