By pissedandcomputerless - 07/11/2013 18:42 - United States - Lawrence

Today, I failed on a school presentation because I was not prepared. Apparently, the fact that my computer crapped itself and started giving off smoke last period isn't a good reason for not having my presentation prepared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 044
You deserved it 8 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling a flash drive could have saved the presentation.


That's embarrassing, I hope your computer had some spare pants?

You must have a smokin' hot computer system!

And this is a problem how? You mean that your presentation was only saved to your machine and not a flash drive, email account, or school network? Back it up or lose it buddy. I've known this since I started photocopying my handwritten assignments and leaving a spare with my parents back in grade school 'just in case'. Loose one too many bundles of notebook paper with painfully written out assignments in your best printing and you start making backups of your backups.

suckitstyles 11

what happened with old school paperwork and/or printing from your email? sucks though..

I'm no technician, but I'm fairly sure poring water on your computer will not help the situation... /:|

Maybe it was just it's time of the month.

megamimi 4

and this is why the world of technology is doomed to failure

psychman 1

There's a device called a flash drive