By pootie - 11/12/2013 13:14 - United States - Miami

Today, I farted so loud that I woke myself up. And the stranger sitting next to me on the airplane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 578
You deserved it 7 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm jealous. :o I've never accomplished something like that.


jgriff79 23

That damn plane makes weird noises!

squarecircles 13

Could it have been the airline food?

Looks like you found yourself a new alarm clock, and its free!

ZY1431 24

I'm surprised the pilot didn't go over the PA and say that the plane hit sudden turbulence.

Hopefully u both laughed about it and held your noses. If not, awkward but it is natural.

Crack a window crack a window air it out