By Sleepy head - 07/10/2013 01:34 - United States

Today, I fell asleep while my boyfriend and I were having sex. What's worse is that he didn't even notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 779
You deserved it 15 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might be time to spice things up in the bedroom, OP!


Sounds like quite the sex life you two have in the bedroom! Perhaps time to tune the weed wacker action into a Apache chopper?

Dodge4x4Ram 46

personally I feed of moaning,, if you're quiet it's boring sex

kyu_Q 19

if the guy/girl is not doing anything to make the other person moan, it's boring sex

I know what'll keep you up! Electric nipple clamps.

Well it's better to fall asleep whilst having sex rather than waking up to find yourself having sex.

#25 unless ur waking up to a das a wake up call (to 911) :P

Deezknutz 8

Apparently the motion of the ocean wasn't enough.

kyu_Q 19

I vote "lake placid" as the very best answer EVER!

he probably noticed but didn't care...

or maybe he just didn't care? you might wanna try a bit harder to please your man

sammyjanette 17

It's obvious that op's man doesn't care about pleasing her if he doesn't care whether she's awake or not during sex...

The point was that she was so uninvolved that no one could tell the difference whether or not she was awake or asleep....

Maybe he gets off harder when his victims- I mean partners are asleep. wouldn't be the weirdest fetish out their...

Remember: you can tell him "harder" and "faster" but never "deeper".