By Anonymous - 09/09/2014 20:23

Today, I fell asleep with my luggage at a bus terminal. Upon waking up, I found that someone had opened my bags and stolen all my socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 388
You deserved it 7 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socks to be you! (No but that seriously sucks OP :( )


Your sex isn't given so if I am off I appologize... A sock raid instead of a pantie raid? That's a new form of looks like we have a sock napper on the rise

Seriously why would any wanna steal socks?

Ihavegas 22

under pants gnomes strike again

alyKATANA1 12

my guess was a homeless man who needed them

Plot twist: OP gets home, realizes he forgot to pack the socks.

Why just socks ? Well I guess it's true there is a black market for everything