Legged it

By poserpilot - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - El Cajon

Today, I woke up after a night of drinking to find that while I was passed out someone stole my prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 746
You deserved it 6 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

You sure someone isn't pulling your leg?

Are you sure? You might've just misplaced it. Drunk people tend to do that.


loserboii 11

You sure someone isn't pulling your leg?

At least he still has a leg to stand on.

phantumgrey 6

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say YDI...

I feel bad for OP, I hear prosthetic limbs cost an arm and a leg.

FalconWhitaker 20

I think we can safely say that the OP was legless by the end of the night.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Maybe OP was on a cruise ship and someone needed a new pair of sea legs. Eh I tried haha.

I bet it was hoppalong Cassidy that stole it

Beast962 4

A good first comment , finally :D

7zyzz7 3

Ahahaha, this reminds of that episode on the simpsons where that footballs leg breaks off when he kicks the ball and then one of the crowd gets it and uses it like a guitar


At least his balls can't get stuck to it anymore.

Not trying to be a ass, but whenever it's " i got drunk and passed out..." People say YDI. Now he has a fake leg, i see none.

This was on an episode of My Name is Earl..

This one gave me a chuckle. FYL for sure OP, nobody deserves that.

Can we say OP DIDNT deserve it? They might be a real jerk!

Well somebody is waking up from a drunken night saying where the **** did this prosthetic leg come from.

mduffy08 8

90 - Maybe they stole OPs leg because they lost theirs!

Good point #93 or they were just borrowing it and were going to return it later.

I feel like people are afraid to say the OP deserved it because he's a cripple, but I have a feeling if it was a regular guy who lost his wallet after a night partying or something of the sort, the YDI to FYL ratio would be far higher against the OP. I could be wrong.

losing a leg and losing a wallet aren't on par… it's a limb not just money. it's not the cripple factor per se. it's the fact that it's his GODDAMN LEG!

8313girl 28

It doesn't matter OP's age or how drunk he was, no one should be stealing his prosthetic leg. I find this mad offensive! My dad has a prosthetic arm and if anyone ever did that to him, their ass would be kicked so hard that they wouldn't be able to walk.

Are you sure? You might've just misplaced it. Drunk people tend to do that.

loserboii 11

That face and your comment fit so well together.

justonecomment 2

Well then how did they end up at their final destination? I doubt a drunken one legged person got very far.

#22, could've passed out at a friend's house.

free2speak 14

I think it would still make for a hilarious FML. "Today, I woke up and found out that I got so drunk last night that somehow I misplaced my leg. My prosthetic leg, that is. FML." Haha.

The OP probably got around with a wheel chair. The prosthetic might only be used for appearance reasons and not for actual uses to walk with.

16 - Thats the second time someone told me that. :)

Made out of gold? So sorry OP. I don't understand why anyone would steal a prosthetic leg.

justonecomment 2

Because the good ones go for thousands of dollars.

I hear prosthetic limbs cost an arm and a leg these days.

Wow dude that's crazy, sorry for the loss of your mother, I can't believe that the medical system soaks regular people for things to help the working class return to normal after an incident, all the worlds governments need a major overhaul I think :S

bellatrix0805 2

Check your pockets. Always check your pockets when you wake up after being drunk.

Hey what's that in your pocket there? Oh you know, my leg.

MindFreakazoid 10

Is that a leg in your pocket, or are you just happy to me see?

Would insurance claim on that kinda thing?

Krajjan 9

Probably don't have coverage on it. Bet the premium on a high-end prosthetic would cost an arm and a... WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S "ALREAY BEEN DONE"?!

Trust me. You dont wanna ride the bus. You'll be asked to stand

I heard there was a high demand for fake legs in California

I heard there was a high demand to thumb down your comment.

andrew87804 4

I've heard there's a high demand that you guys should shut the **** up because you're not funny.

flockz 19

these demands... are too damn high!

Krajjan 9

Is this another meme I don't get? I can never tell if not having regular Internet access is a curse or a blessing.

It would be even funnier if the guy actually needed your leg. I can imagine a guy hobbling up to you, doing a balancing act removing your leg, and putting it on and running away.