By hatestomove - 26/05/2010 14:21 - United States

Today, I fell down the stairs carrying a huge TV. Don't worry, my body cushioned the TV's fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 664
You deserved it 4 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do people say stop complaining? I mean you're on a website that was built so that people could do that. If everyone kept all the little things that happened to them (whether stupid or not) to themselves then there'd be no FML. :)


glad to know the tv is fine thanks lol dang that sucks op

#11 I agree with you but then all FMLs would be useless

jjames7543 13

I love the way that this was worded! Tell the TV I will send it a box of candy and flowers because I know that it must be pretty shaken up :P

Haha, but imagine the opposite situation. If you actually broke the TV you'd actually be here posting it and even more pissed.

When I started Reading this I was like 'what happened to the tv oh god no not stairs' the you said you cushioned the tv and it made it all better... thank god the tv's ok

kristinnicolexo 0

why would you write that on here, you're lucky to be living and if it was a huge tv why didn't you go to the hospital to get xrays to make sure you did break any bones?