By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 10:45 - United States

Today, I fell into a hole. And by hole, I mean a sewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 525
You deserved it 3 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"That's a shirty situation." "What a shit hole." "The shit hit the fan." "All the other shit related puns here" Just saving everyone some time and effort.

Did you see the Ninja Turtles while you were down there?


And by sewer, you mean....anyway, you shouldn't post FML's while walking. How did you not see or smell that?

lovepandorasaver 11

Did you meet a giant fish down there, and **** his brains out?

**** your life, but you should probably pay more attention. That's kinda hard to miss...

fat_bastard_607 0
hereinnc 12

I have zero idea how that happens however FYL OP!

bubo_fml 10

I run into a-holes all the time...**** my Luck!!

marcus903 17

I would definetly say that anyone who voted 'YDI' or calls him an unintelligible name had never fell into a open sewer because they had never heard of walking straight and not noticing what's on the ground. He was probably walking with nothing in his hand or ears by himself without no distractions. These are called "accidents" that are unfortunately unnoticed. I've seen an open sewer once and was ABOUT to fall in it when I managed to look on the ground. I couldn't imagine how mad I would be if I literally fell in it. Falling into an open sewer will remain the city's fault for even having the sewer open in first place. I don't care if the person was distracted through any use of device, vehicle, or pedestrain; all sewers should remain closed and the city needs to be fined if anyone falls in it. Once again, the people who said OP deserves this needs to experience this happening to them.