By sarajj - 29/03/2013 21:36 - United States - Littleton

Today, I felt frisky, so I went over to my boyfriend's place, hoping to have some fun. I brought over a movie, and part-way through it, I started feeling him up. He responded by sighing, "That's really fucking annoying, babe. Cut it out, yeah?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 696
You deserved it 9 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why bring a movie if it isn't going to be watched? Sometimes people actually are interested in watching a movie and not using it as a catalyst for sex.

Maybe it's time to change the game-plan a little there, skippy


Perhaps he's afraid that you'll bite him..

bamagrl410 31

Valiant attempt at a past FML reference, however I think it was a little understated & people didn't catch it.

Your either really ugly or he's really gay.

Your either really ugly or he's really gay.

NewYorkMexPR 14

Maybe hes trying to tell u something. Like hes gay!

What?!? In my experience that's unheard of. Must have been one hell of a movie!

Wizzlbang 10

If OP was a dude bringing a movie over to his girlfriends house, this would get a lot more YDI's.

If you wanted to have sex you should've brought some lingerie, not a movie. You're sending mixed signals, what do you expect

maybe u were doing it wrong or the movie was good

savvysomething 5

Plot twist: he never told her his irrational fear of porno's.

Not really his fault, in his mind you guys were just watching a movie. Try something else next time, yeah?