By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 09:03 - United States

Today, I figured out why my name is Ashley. In order to tell my older sister about getting a new little sister, my parents thought it would be a good idea to make her imaginary friend "Ashley" real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 627
You deserved it 3 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TerrorDollie 0

Aw cute! Well your sister must've gotten some joy out of that! It's not like Ashley is a crappy name anyways!

So... if I want to make my imaginary friend real... I just have to get a girl pregnant? That would be a great idea, if only girls would talk to me.


TerrorDollie 0

Aw cute! Well your sister must've gotten some joy out of that! It's not like Ashley is a crappy name anyways!

Florence_ 0

I totally want your shirt... off!! xD just kiddin'!

that1guy1 13

It was a joke, and I don't think a 2 year age difference would classify me as a pedophile, even if I was serious about hitting on her...

I think it's really cute how they named you that. My name is Ashley too,Go the L-E-Yr's!

spanelli 16

Anomomous is a pretty ******* shitty name as well.

stormer461 13

Anonomous is a pretty shitty name if you can't even spell anonymous right.

spanelli 16

Well, that's exactly what the name says. It isn't my fault he/she cannot spell.

89, you can't even misspell anonymous right. It was "anomomous". Yeah, I couldn't understand it either.

I'm supposed to be ashley but my dad can't spell, so now I'm Ashly

So... if I want to make my imaginary friend real... I just have to get a girl pregnant? That would be a great idea, if only girls would talk to me.

My imaginary friend was a cat... ya I'm good. he was killed off in a plane crash when I was four. he wore a trench coat and hat, went on business trips, was a calico and his name was fluffy.

but u can get rid of an imaginary friend

LaFemmeQuiRit 3

Only female cats can be calico.

that's not totally true. a calico cat can be male but he will be infertile. it's rare...

He was imaginary, but yes in real life male calico cats are incredibly rare but they do exist.

sparta98 4

I get how awkward that is. I almost ended up with Shamus. Thank god my mom wouldn't have it.

ashlynn610 12
ashlynn610 12
v1kt4r 13

Hey at least you weren't an accident

Some children have imaginary friends with the weirdest, non-existent names. So you should be grateful your sisters friend was called Ashley instead of Tinkerinkle or something like that.

at least u weren't named after ur aunts creepy doll like me

youfailed18 0

They're too embarrassed to mention obviously. :P

kiaralove53 0

Omg I was too! The sad part is I am not joking...