By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 09:03 - United States

Today, I figured out why my name is Ashley. In order to tell my older sister about getting a new little sister, my parents thought it would be a good idea to make her imaginary friend "Ashley" real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 630
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TerrorDollie 0

Aw cute! Well your sister must've gotten some joy out of that! It's not like Ashley is a crappy name anyways!

So... if I want to make my imaginary friend real... I just have to get a girl pregnant? That would be a great idea, if only girls would talk to me.


how is this a FML? A FML would be having a wierd name like tibby or rocky or something. quit complaining!

hosamsr 3

so what? don't be a bitch about it

I had an imaginary friend named Barnaby once. My parents didn't name either one of my siblings after my imaginary friend :-(

Herox 0

your not real and nice your fake and imaginary!

ok, who cares get over it. how is this an FML

Is your sister retarded? If so then I feel sorry for her