By fuckmylifeLulu - 09/04/2011 16:07 - United States

Today, I filed my taxes. As a divorcée with children, I was supposed to get $3,500 back from the IRS. Alas, my ex's new wife already filed with my children, who don't live with her. I now owe the IRS $250. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 997
You deserved it 4 090

Same thing different taste


Can't you like, complain to the tax report in question, come up with proof that the kids are living with YOU instead of with her? Tt work that way in our country. If you don't like the results of a tax report, you always have a chance to appeal and get your proof that you wrote up in your tax report to be examined by someone from the tax office on a personal basis. Given, there's about 1% in total of all these complaints each year but they mostly get resolved in the citizens favour, because the IRS sometimes does mistakes.

I think that's not only a Dick move, but I believe you can sue her ass, I may be wrong though.

easy fix. just do contact the IRS and they will investigate. I had this happen when my wife and her ex had a mix up in tax paperwork. it's no biggie for them to correct it. She may even get in trouble for fraud. it really depends on what the divorce papers say about tax filing.

That's a god damned lawsuit right there.

figures2010 0

that's tax fraud!!! report her ass to the IRS and have her locked up!!!!

That's illegal and fraud. Report her and file your amended tax return with the kids as your dependents.

by law only the parent with primary custody can claim the child as a dependant. I'd claim her anyway, then if the IRS asks questions, tell them what happened.

thatsmeh 0

she can't do that it's not her kids don't be stupid time to sue :)

Wow I would do something about that since they live with you do you have custody?