By Anonymous - 09/04/2011 18:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By AAA guy - 04/02/2015 16:02 - United States
By seththing - 22/05/2016 03:49
By Dani - 12/01/2010 21:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 07:25 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/05/2013 04:50 - United States - Clifton
By .... - 17/04/2009 16:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/11/2015 20:50 - United States - Winsted
Call the Midwife-slash-Locksmith
By mama bear - 16/10/2019 18:00
This is terrible!
By Baddad - 24/11/2019 20:00
By Cuzles - 23/03/2011 16:11 - United States
Top comments
Toddlers can't unlock the doors?
Thats what I was thinking :o
The toddlers could have been in a car seat.
Oh good point. I didn't think about that. >:o
Lls right!!!!!
Right 46, because car seats aren't completely different now than they were 10 years ago.
antoine it doesn't mean they are bad parents
omg I'm pretty sure I was right next to this car today =-o
when I was young my mom locked me in the car with the keys inside and I was stuck in my car seat and had no idea how to get out
And thats when you break the window with your elbow or a rock! YDI for NOT ONLY LOCKING YOUR KEYS IN THE CAR BUT YOU LOCKED YOUR KIDS IN THE CAR AND WAITED UNTIL AAA CAME THATS CHILD ABUSE you should get creative when that happens they couldve suffocated assuming YDI left the windows rolled up bcuz you obviously lost your mind
#122, stfu. You obviously don't understand what constitutes abuse. It isn't abuse to lock your kids in the car BY ACCIDENT. Yes, it was a stupid mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. EVERYONE ON EARTH makes mistakes now and then. Yeah, this was a big one, but that doesn't make it abuse. Also, don't blow this out of proprtion. It would have taken HOURS on end for those kids to suffocate. Lord, how people can make things bigger than they are...
Toddlers can't unlock doors, but they should learn how to smash windows! Imaright?
Wow humans sure have gotten to be a smart species over the generations. Wonders of evolution are takin effect right now.
@#122 There is no way they'd suffocate in the car, it's not airtight. If left in the sun the car could heat up, and the children might dehydrate. AAA would be there long before that's could become a problem. If it's cold out - well smashing the window would be somewhat counterproductive.
Most seats are child proofed. It's hard as hell for me to get my daughter out of her seat. But to the OP, you are an idiot. Pay more ******* attention. Never close the doors until you have your kids out.
159-That's hilarious.
You're an idiot. lrn2punctuate. Also, you're wrong, but that's less important.
What a coinsidence!
How can u do that? And why did u lock the doors?
I don't have power locks and always lock my daughters door after putting her in her car seat. it's for safety
numba 4. mmmm.
once I drive over 5 mph my doors lock. But, after locking myself out once, I now keep a keep taped inside my gas tank that will open the door.
Lots of parents just throw keys and phones and stuff in diaper bags to be put in the car, then don't realize it when they go to get in themselves
new to motherhood?
Not that new if they are toddlers
she could have adopted
its CAS u idiot
Actually if you are in the US, the title differs by state.
You could tie with Fred Phelps for parent of the year.
Maybe he used his phone to call AAA. I think that's even more logical.
Wait... He remembers his phone... And forgets his kids? I think the toddlers should be the ones posting this.
perhaps the OP got out of the car, closed his/her door, and went to open the back doors to get the kid when he/she realized it was locked. the cellphone could also already be in the person's pocket and therefore they didn't need to remember to get it. people judge way too quickly..
There are holes in your logic. If that was the case. Why didn't he get back in through the door he had just emerged from.
some cars lock doors automatically the moment they close, FYI.
42- First of all, this contributor was stressing that having a phone was critical in such a situation; the contributor obviously knew that OP had a phone. Secondly, arrogant and noncomprehensive bitches don't belong in FML comment sections... Consider changing your screen name, to whomever the user of "TheGenius" may be. =/
you NEVER leave little kids or animals in cars like that
Well, no shit. Too bad you didn't read the part where it was an accident.
Why no animals? Oh right, some people care for those.
No, you don't say? It was an ACCIDENT.
Docscientist> And? Just because it was an accident doesn't make it ok. It's still irresponsible behavior. I can kill someone in a car accident but it's just an accident!!!
If my kids were in there, I'd break the window to get in. Are your kids worth more than $200?
If the kids weren't scared and weren't in any immediate danger then there is no need to break the window.
I would break the windows.. but I'm down south where the humidity is hell and it's ******* hot... so yeah :)
What are you going to have on or around you that's going to break a window?
I agree with 29 plus even AZ where it is very hot it's only 55 today do unless the kids are in danger it's not worth risking flying glass at them
In Texas it was 89 today, and if you break the drivers window or the front passenger window, it's unlikely that the kids will be "impaled". Especially since most cars come with safety glass that doesn't leave big shards, just sorta crumbles. I wouldn't hesitate a second to bust out a window.
windows are made really hard today, the amount of force you need to break a window with your elbow should leave the window cracked and your elbow broken...
107 Um no, they're not.
118. please stop. windows are not meant to shatter in case you lock your kids in the car. well, at least not here in America. I can't speak for the rest of the world.
Auto glass is made to shatter into little tiny pieces so it wont harm people in the car as bad. so shards wouldnt hit the kids... but the little pieces might... and it is rather hard to break with your bare hands/ elbow... i kno i cant do it ( ive tried) and as for the big rock idea i dont kno about where youre from but around here most parking lots dont have those just lying around ... unless theyre in someones yard that would be a possibility i guess... so yea its not like its gonna take hours for AAA to get there and im sure the hotter it is wherever this took place the faster they would respond
I'm sorry, but what's the point of that? They're toddlers. AAA is typically a fast company, they aren't going to suffocate or dehydrate in the amount of time AAA will need to get there. Why end up spending an extra $200 and risk injuring your children when you can call someone to do their job. I'm just sayin' :)

Toddlers can't unlock the doors?
Yikes! I hope it's not too warm where you are. : ( At least it turned out okay.