By shelbs61 - 30/08/2010 19:55 - United States

Today, I finally decided to do regular biology rather than honors biology, thinking honors would be too hard. My first day in regular biology, my lab partner asked me whether a rock was alive or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 447
You deserved it 12 284

shelbs61 tells us more.

K, so this is Shelby, the person who wrote the FML. To whoever it may concern: When this guy asked me whether the rock was alive, I thought he was being sarcastic so I replied, "YES!! Haha." Then he wrote something down in his notebook and I asked if he was kidding. He looked up and said, "Just tell me the answer, I wanna finish my homework." Then he asked me if pasta was alive.


wow.... your class filled with that kind of people?.... seriously FYL. Lol

Depending on his wording, it could be completely valid question you know. There is such a thing as 'live rock', and very very relevant to biology. Just as any salt water aquarist.

RedPillSucks 31

Were you doing a study on rocks? What made him/her ask the question? Maybe your partner was wondering why you were studying rocks in biology instead of geology? Yeah, I know, its a stretch.

I had the same problem last year. an at the time junior asked me what a word search was...

lunamoon_fml 0

we did that the first day of bio also!

When I took Astronomy, one of the other students asked the teacher if the Sun was a star or a planet. She asked a lot of other idiotic questions too, but that was the one that stuck in my mind.

K, so this is Shelby, the person who wrote the FML. To whoever it may concern: When this guy asked me whether the rock was alive, I thought he was being sarcastic so I replied, "YES!! Haha." Then he wrote something down in his notebook and I asked if he was kidding. He looked up and said, "Just tell me the answer, I wanna finish my homework." Then he asked me if pasta was alive.

You didn't write that. Your name is completely different, and it doesn't have the symbol to the right of your comment saying that you wrote the FML. And if you were on a different account, WHY would you use that one instead of the original one, so it would actually look like you wrote the FML.

I didn't have an account, I made one so I could comment

Sunsbeenkind 0

Ha, yeah, I'm pretty sure you are not Shelby.

So let's just assume your the OP, at first I thought this was real but then you had to add more detail and now I seriously doubt that this was real. ha

Guess honors is looking better by the milisecond...

dug44 0

hope you said yes....... duh!