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By Anonymous - 14/10/2024 06:00 - United States

Today, I left my apartment window open for some fresh air. When I returned, my idiot cat was on the balcony staring at me... from my neighbor’s apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 172
You deserved it 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your cat may not be the idiot you think it is. Some cats split their time between residences in order to get more food.

My old cat used to go to the neighbors' house through our balconies all the time. It allowed me to meet my neighbors while they handed the idiot back to me, and we've been in good terms ever since.


Your cat may not be the idiot you think it is. Some cats split their time between residences in order to get more food.

My old cat used to go to the neighbors' house through our balconies all the time. It allowed me to meet my neighbors while they handed the idiot back to me, and we've been in good terms ever since.

My cat will climb up on roofs and then meow to be rescued 🤦