By Samsonites - 28/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I finally decided to tell him I love him. He told me that he loved me too... like a sister. The love of my life has been sleeping with his "sister" for three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 059
You deserved it 5 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ok everyone who is commenting about how the same thing happened to them needs to SHUT. UP. I, along with many other people, do not care in any way shape or form. So please, if it is so important then post your own FML.

diarheea101 11

He was hopefully just ******** ya.

I've heard of keeping it in the family but that's a lil far...

Wait wait wait. You have been sleeping together for 3 months and you just decided you loved him...?

Pathetic. Then y sleep with you then? Like a sister my ass.... just slept woth u too... :@

Is this racist? It sounds racist! lol