By xerrika - 03/06/2014 11:56 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I finally finished a drawing that someone had asked and said they would pay me for. I worked on it for multiple hours and was very proud of it. When it came to discussing payment, I asked what his best offer was. A pack of cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 770
You deserved it 8 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me you told him no, and went searching for a new buyer. Or at least keep it, you are proud of it after all!

yikes. now you have a new painting at least.


Why on earth would you do a piece of work without signing a contract first or up-front payments..

Maybe he's addicted to cigarettes are like gold to him

That's someone who doesn't truly appreciate art. As a musician I appreciate all forms of art: dance, music, paintings, anything pleasing to the eye, really, is art in my opinion. I play drums, for anyone who is wondering

PresidentNorth 16

Lol kept it as real as you could 39. Respect man.

hazardmuffin 21

CLIENTS. They never want to pay you what they say they'll pay you. That being said, you kind of deserve it for not negotiating a price beforehand. I hope you didn't give him the drawing. Next time you take on freelance work, make sure you get paid in advance or else write up a contract, even (sometimes especially) if it's for a friend or family. You'd be surprised who would be willing to screw you over!

ESPECIALLY FRIENDS & FAMILY! They will screw you worse than anyone at anytime!

You should definitely NOT give the painting to him. Go find someone with actual cash:)

Hang that painting up and wear your pride like a badge of honor. If he has only a pack of cigarettes to offer then he doesn't deserve your hard work.

91hayek 31

But OP can't eat the paintings; he needs money to survive and maybe eventually become a football playing king in space.