By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 15:30 - United States

Today, I finally found a reason to quit smoking. I threw my cigarette butt out the window and it blew back in, went down the back of my pants, and burnt my butt in 3 different places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 926
You deserved it 54 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyNameIsBruce 0

Turns out the wind doesn't like smoking either


Good! You deserve if for being self centered. Personally I could give a shit about your choice to smoke, but it pisses me off that you believe it is OK to share your trash with the rest of the world. Keep your butts in your car.

shift_love 13

wow a lot of people are giving him a ydi we must have a lot of non smokers on here. light up and love it

actually since the earth starts to be overpopulated, smoking can help reduce the human population by natural selection; the dumb ones first.

amh721 0

It's seriously disgusting how people leave their cigarette butts anywhere they like. The rest of us shouldn't be punished of your nasty habits. Find a trashcan and dispose of it properly. We have way too many pigs already. Glad you learned a lesson.

Randall777858 0

that cig was like **** you toooo

Gbleier333 4

maybe you shouldn't ******* litter. dumb bitch.

jasleen 0

SHUT THE **** UPPPP. OBVIOUSLY thats not real nor is it even slightly amusing u **** TARD

YDI for throwing it outside.. Cigarettes are very bad for you, and disgusting.. I don't see how there weren't other reasons to quit before this happened :l