This charming man

By Anonymous - 13/09/2024 03:00 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was in the store when a man started chatting me up. He was good looking and charming. He asked, “So, what are you, 22-23?” I saw him visibly recoil in disgust when I told him my real age. I’m only 35, he was about 50, but he acted like he couldn’t runaway fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 436
You deserved it 78

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so despite being physically attracted to you he became repulsed at your real age?? so this guy is literally only attracted to one thing... woman's age? that's so creepy. clearly looking for someone he can take advantage of

GoogieWithers 22

Congrats on looking so young. Sadly, that comes with it's downsides too.


GoogieWithers 22

Congrats on looking so young. Sadly, that comes with it's downsides too.

tiptoppc 19

Based on what my wife goes through, that’s an understatement

so despite being physically attracted to you he became repulsed at your real age?? so this guy is literally only attracted to one thing... woman's age? that's so creepy. clearly looking for someone he can take advantage of

Oh, so're too old to groom... /s

22-23. Even that was too old for him. I bet he was really looking for 16 and under.