By slut - 29/08/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I finally found out that the tattoo on my lower back means "slut" in Chinese, instead of "good fortune" as I always thought it did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 363
You deserved it 59 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete


So, you are basically mad that you didn't even bother to borrow a chinese dictionary from the public library and look it up, instead trusting the internet/tattoo-artist who don't speak chinese/mutual friends, with translating a word that will be eternally engraved in your skin? Besides, why is it so bad if your tramp stamp says "****"? Seems quite fitting to me...

Why do ppl always get Chinese tattoos?!?! They always r ****** up and They know it!

EvilDave 13

Or know someone who REALLY knows Chinese or Japanese for all you weebos.

and that's why you don't get a tattoo written in a language you can't read. by the way, even if the tattoo artist was Chinese, unless they were born and educated in China, they probably can't read or write it either.

Well, your sluttiness could be good fortune for college guys, so it's fine.

people get Chinese tatts because words in Chinese calligraphy are beautiful. their script is art. people are attracted to pretty things even if they have no idea what the pretty thing is or means.

you deserved it fior not doibng good research for your tatoo

Oh well, find a Chinese speaking friend and ask for their help, the characters in the language are so complex that you can probably add a line somewhere and change it from **** to gigantic turtle or something.

pooptato 2

I lol'd. Well done! Maybe you should research more next time.

something tells me most chinese tattoos don't say what they're supposed to...