By slut - 29/08/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I finally found out that the tattoo on my lower back means "slut" in Chinese, instead of "good fortune" as I always thought it did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 363
You deserved it 59 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete


a while ago, my boyfriend found out the latin words draco dormiens nunquam titalandus he thought ment "happiness is within me, love yourself" actually meant "never tickle a sleeping dragon"

hewro_failure 11

That's what you get for getting a tattoo in a language you don't understand

Umm, I'm pretty sure having a tramp stamp already says ****.

Always, always, always, investigate tattoos that are in other languages! Did you learn nothing from Big Bang Theory?

It amazes me how many people still use the term 'tramp stamp'. I don't particularly like tattoos placed at the bottom of the back in the centre either, but there's no way in hell I would even dream of using such a derogatory term over something that was quite frankly nothing to do with me. The thing is, some of the people who've posted those kinds of comments have features I personally find unattractive, but I'd never tell them that or be condescending about the choices they've made about how they want to look. "Erp derp itza tramp stamp!! That means your a ****!!!11" No. Judgemental pricks.

To me, a tramp stamp says **** whatever the symbol is you have inked...sorry if that's harsh but I just find tramp stamps ugly.

it's your own fault for not doing the research and getting a trap stamp in the first place!

I will never understand why people get words tattooed on themselves in a language they don't even speak! I speak Mandarin Chinese, and even then, I'd be wary about getting a tattoo in it... So silly.. YDI