By slut - 29/08/2011 16:22 - Canada

Today, I finally found out that the tattoo on my lower back means "slut" in Chinese, instead of "good fortune" as I always thought it did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 363
You deserved it 59 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you could make a good fortune being a ****! They don't call it a tramp stamp for no reason!

ZielZone 4

You should get "stupid" in Chinese above it. Then your life would be complete


Your fault for getting a provocative tattoo that you didn't even understand. *sigh*

Can I register as 7 different users just so I can press YDI at least that many times?

Karan0217 6

You couldn't have looked it up? Wow op YDI

And then people wonder why its a bad idea to get tattoos in a language that you don't understand.

That is why you NEVER get a tattoo done in a foreign language without truly knowing what the symbols mean. For example: getting it done with proper research or in the country the language comes from with a friend who speaks and writes the language. I did Morse code for a year and a half. When I was in Korea this guy I worked with wanted to get quote done in the written form of it. Because the tattoo artist had no knowledge of Morse code he accidentally missed a symbol and it ruined the whole tat. So....make sure the artist understands the tat you want as much as you do or at least have the design checked before its inked in.

Oh and I do know Morse is not a language. Just using the fact that it has symbols to connect it to OP and the Chinese symbols.

No pity, only an idiot gets a tattoo in a language they don't understand.