By Anonymous - 28/10/2011 12:25 - United States

Today, I finally found out where my great-grandmother's antique handheld mirror disappeared to. According to the headmaster, my eleven year-old son has been using it to look up his classmates' dresses at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 841
You deserved it 3 329

Same thing different taste


ricerboy 0

Hey, they gotta start early. Be proud

Be proud of your son for being creative and resourceful. He's gonna have a long and successful career!

murphy22 6

More like future rapist... Wonder how long till he starts torturing animals and peeping into windows? Hello Ted Bundy!

I can not believe that every comment up to now has been "Smart boy" or some stupid derivative. Actually, based on the average IQ of commenters here, I can't be overly surprised. This isn't cute, and it isn't funny. This child needs to have some respect for people beaten into, er, taught to him. Sorry to be such a killjoy, but this sort of shit doesn't fly with me.

mrbendystraw 0

But a picture of a phallic x-ray does? YA OKAY

Since when does a coke bottle look like a penis?

je_suis_fml 11

46- it's what it implies not somuch as it resembling one. 31- I totally agree. I kept scrolling down hoping I would find an opposing comment before posting one of my own. I'm sure the parents of the little girls are not nearly as excited about the little boy's ribalding behavior.. um, as some some of these commenters depict.

Mrbendystraw, what does my profile pic have to do with anything? It's a picture of one of my patients. That's it.

jdm1969 2

Oh and using an xray of one of your patients is totally ethical and gives u the right to bash a humorous sight?

Are you saying his picture takes away his right to call people out on being morons? Yeah, okay...

Jdm1969, tell me exactly what is unethical about having up a completely anonymous picture. Please explain how that violates anything. I'm eagerly awaiting your sage teachings. You're not the first, and you certainly won't be the last idiot to claim some kind of ethics or HIPAA violation of my picture. The fact is, there is violation of JACK SHIT without a single identifying feature. The patient gave me a fake name, so the Xray could be you, for all I know. Wait, is that why you're so upset?

slushpup9696 12

Looks like jdm1969 had his first Doc's appointment.

omarzrgz 3

All of you that are saying "This isn't cute" or things along those lines are fucken retards. It's a joke, no one would waste their time telling people about their children "being perverts" if it was true. Your reading some thing of an app/website that's suppose to be funny. GTFOH

perdix 29

That's an appropriate use for it since Great-Grandma used the very same mirror to look at her own cooter. In those days, it wasn't cool for women to look at their pudendae, so they had to be sneaky about. Today's women should consider themselves lucky that they can get their ******* haircuts, decorate them and buy them their own toys;)

RKD 23

Yeah, it is! Boys will be boys, lol! He probably needs to be warned off this kind of behavior, though, lol, before it becomes an ingrained pattern of behaviors that can get him into real trouble later in life!

skyeyez9 24

At least he is young enough that you can knock that perverted behavior out of him. Or else he will be known as the creep women avoid later on.

mrbendystraw 0

"When life gives you antique mirrors, use them to look beneath the dresses of sexually alluring women." -William Shakespeare

"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can't be certain that they are legitimate." -Abraham Lincoln

skyeyez9 24

Regardless of the positive comments on here, you need to him about it. I remember as a child there was a man in my neighborhood. He was a peeping tom, stalked women and moved on to abusing women (and kids). Your sons behavior may be out of curiosity but if left unchecked, it could gradually get worse.