By Anonymous - 02/01/2014 02:32 - United Kingdom - Chelmsford

Today, I finally got proof of my theory when the dog came downstairs at 2 in the morning, looked me dead in the eye, pissed on the rug and took my socks before disappearing back upstairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 562
You deserved it 4 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Possibly that the dog was peeing on the rug and stealing socks at 2 in the morning?


Am i the only one who thought of that family guy episode?

154rct 7

Not the rug! It really tied the room together.

born_hustla 26

Sounds like you forgot to take it for a walk..not to mention its treats

person764 4

You probably deserve it. Dogs are generally better at reading people than people are.

bleedingglitter 24

I would say shut him outside all night but the asshole would probably bark the whole time.

your post is kinda pointless since you didnt bother explaining your theory