By Anonymous - 03/10/2011 20:49 - United States

Today, I finally got the nerve to tell my parents that I'm no longer going to pay them a flat percent of my salary, but only what they need to cover my expenses. Their response: "Better find a place of your own then, you freeloading bastard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 853
You deserved it 34 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It really depends how old you are. My brothers 28 and still lives with my parents. He's more supported by them then by anything else.

It sounds like a perfectly reasonable response - you freeloading Bastard!

auddylynne 0

Um I'm pretty sure it's the other way around

Lovely way to speak to your child? Do your parents work? Yeah, didnt think so...

GoldenMantis 4

Ah, it's aight, just use sone of your savings for an apartment.

YDI. They ONLY RAISED you from birth, fed you, clothed, you, consoled you when you had bad dreams... No doubt took care of you when you were sick... No doubt consoled you when you got your heart broken....

Bludmagnus 13

No. That is called unconditional love. He still wants to help out, but it is obvious they are doing more with his money than just the expense of him living there.

rman1114 2

Sucks to be you. And sucks to move out hahahahahaha

Tell your new landlord that you won't be paying a flat percentage but only what he needs to cover your expenses.

haha4554 3

I think it's far to only pay them the money they spend on you and not a dime more.