By TordNorski - 04/05/2016 17:44 - United States - Mission Viejo

Today, I finally had a day off in two weeks and I was excited about getting to sleep in. At 5am, my mom came in and knocked loudly. When I asked her what she wanted, she said she was checking to see if I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 914
You deserved it 1 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CliffyB03 28

If you're not dying or I'm not about to leave for the airport. Don't wake me up. And if you are dying, go to someone else


I feel this. I struggle to fall asleep and my mother knows (though her advice when I cried over being so exhausted and not able to sleep was "just close your eyes!" so I'm not sure what I expect really). She wakes me up regularly, and I remember one particular instance where she kept repeating my name over and over again; I woke up quickly, I think, but stayed under the covers hoping she'd go away. Eventually snapped. "Oh. I was just checking to see if you were awake," she replies and promptly leaves. Well I ******* am now, lol. Still pissy to this day. I can laugh at it, but goddamn, it's rude as hell and so inconsiderate. Sorry OP.

My mom loves to call me on my phone and ask if i'm up. If I say "I was asleep" she will say "oh i'm sorry call me when you wake up" as if she just didn't wake me up. Moms suck a little sometimes.

Your first day off in two whole weeks? Wow that must be Sooo hard to live with

My parents do this all the time Then they're like ,"well now that you're up..."