By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 17:35 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, I finally realized that when my seemingly very judgmental fiancé makes negative comments about other women, it's actually just an excuse to keep ogling them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 5 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Just look at how that dress clings to her body and cleavage, what a ****!"

rg350dx 29

Oldest trick in the book, love.


scottyspot 11

Just wait until he tells you he is jealous of their clothes, shoes, and hair.

And that he watches **** for the story

you just figured that out? oldest trick in the book.

chocolatefrog28 29

If that's his excuse, don't help him by not commenting on his negativity. The next time he goes to make a snarky or demeaning comment, tell him off for being judgmental, he doesn't know anything about the people he's ogling. 1) He has no more excuse to continue looking, and 2) he's not snarking off at the expense of another human being.

Sshhhh don't give away our secrets lol

To be fair, I think it's more of a human nature thing, my girlfriend looks at other women once in a while as do I, but we would never act on anything. I certainly wouldn't classify it as "ogling" either, just admiring a pretty girl.

sammyjanette 17

Does she do the same thing with attractive men? If not, why?

Wait #54, you're telling me people don't watch **** for the story? **** I've been doing it wrong all this years.

perdix 29

I'll bet when he finds a particularly repulsive specimen, he'll propose a three-way out of purely charitable motives. You should go along to let the poor thing feel OK about herself.

graceinsheepwear 33

...always with the three-ways, perdix...

perdix 29

#111, it's gotta work one day!

graceinsheepwear 33

You just keep telling yourself that. I just noticed your original comment number was 69--maybe it's a good omen!

If it were my husband, I'm okay with him checking random people out. I notice other people on occasion, seems only fair. What I wouldn't put up with is him randomly criticising other women's bodies/faces/whatever. I would find it very difficult to conduct a relationship with someone who was openly judgemental about other women - I would wonder, when he's so quick to judge others, what he really thought of me. Likewise, if I went around being hyper critical of men, I expect that'd make him feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Pointing out other people's flaws doesn't boost my self-esteem.