By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 17:35 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, I finally realized that when my seemingly very judgmental fiancé makes negative comments about other women, it's actually just an excuse to keep ogling them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 5 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Just look at how that dress clings to her body and cleavage, what a ****!"

rg350dx 29

Oldest trick in the book, love.


TheDrifter 23

He's still got some work to do, being judgmental of them is just rude, but some of the finest outfits I have suggested to my girlfriend in the store were items I first saw modeled on passing women. Fashion is like art, just because I have a Monet at home doesn't mean I don't appreciate a Van Gogh.

stewpididiot 11

I don't understand this.. I don't really have the want to notice other guys when I'm in a relationship, and I know that if I'm like this, there have to be others like me out there. And I'm being completely honest. What reason would I have to lie to a bunch of people I don't know and who I don't care if I get judged by or not? I really just don't give a crap about what other guys look like. I'm not saying that my fiancé is the same way, I'm not him, I don't know that, but I know I can't be the only one on this whole earth who has this mind set. Sorry if I've offended anyone, I'm not trying to post things to annoy people or anything.

Same, I love my partner and why would I want to look at another guy, yes he might be cute but nobody will ever be as cute and funny as MY guy.

Exactly! It's like why even bother when you've got the best there is already? The only thing left to look at are the guys who aren't as good as yours!

graceinsheepwear 33

I have to agree. When I was happily married, I never even noticed other guys.

After reading these comments I thought I was the only one :p

Emily062611 6

I totally agree with you! I don't even really notice what other guys look like much. I don't mind if my husband looks, but there's a difference between a quick glance and a stare. Maybe all guys look, I don't know, but all guys with a significant other should find a way to look without being hurtful

Better keep a close eye on him from now on.

The guy I am dating photographs chicks for a car magazine, so I know he is checking out the half naked chicks, but I completely trust him. I did not trust my ex to even glance at another chick, and there was a reason. If you cannot trust your man to look at other women, maybe you should reevaluate the relationship. There is a reason why you don't trust him, listen to your intuition.

The fact that you ordered doesn't mean you still cannot take a look at the menu!

But when you're eating your dinner you dont just stop and stare at someone else's plate.

You realize that this could be a guy posting the FML? That would be funny... And hot.

So glad my fiancee not only let's me look, but points out good looking girls.

I wonder what he would do if you did the same thing but to men. Or better yet ask him to describe you. I mean not in a negative way but in a positive way. Like lets see if we can keep our eyes on us. Or in this case his on you.

I find that odd that you are seriously considering marrying a guy that you thought was "extremely judgmental" and felt entitled to make so many negative comments about women. How is that attractive? Or did you feel somehow better about yourself because he was seemingly criticizing other girls in front of you? As for looking at other girls, the big majority of men do that. Then it all depends on the way they do it, as in if they are walking in the streets with you and twisting their neck to take a better look at a hot girl, that's disrespectful to you. A discreet glance is forgivable, after all, we're all humans. Both my fiancé and I check out the opposite sex when we see someone attractive. There is no harm in that. We don't go ogling them though because that's just plain rude for each other and for the person we're looking at.