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By AnnaNick - 14/02/2010 02:19 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were out shopping. As he was trying on shirts, I told him that the particular shirt he was wearing looked ugly. He turned around, sighed, and said "You think? Well, your face is ugly, but you don't see me complaining about it." He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 978
You deserved it 10 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prettybrwneyes16 0

than why is he with you if he thinks you're so ugly?

you should have said:" you're dick is ugly, but you don't see me complaining!"


prettybrwneyes16 0

than why is he with you if he thinks you're so ugly?

If I was his shirt I would slap you and the ugly lol

If I was his shirt I would slap you and your ugly IMAO

shitbrix 0

buurrnn but yea f his life for not being able to get a better girfriend

maniac310 2

why the hell r u even out of the kitchen! go make him a sammich!

I do that sometimes act serious when I'm not for laughs and peoples reactions

angryseatroll 5

bahaha Kriptonite! that was epic! you win.

look at it this way, you probably have an amazing personality if he's not with you for your looks. *claps*

imma1pimp 0
ImRawrtastic 0

wow that's harsh you bettr hve said sumtin bak to himm

hahaha.....dht made mi fukin r u ugli an if so du u giv gud head cuz das prolly y he still wif u

prettybrwneyes16 0
CableX17 0

@48- its LMAO, not IMAO. Stands for laughing my ass off. Get it right next time, Mkay?

They did get it right they just forgot to make the "l" a Capitol. Sheesh

It's not all about looks. Not everyone is that shallow or close-minded. You can date an attractive person and they can treat you like shit, I'm not implying that attractive do have bad personalities, it can go either way.

that FrickIn sucks Really bad.. Sucks To be you.

you must be a great lay. has he ever put a bag over your head? do you only get it on in the dark? these are the things you should think about.

GI was gonna say i was sorry for OP but it's kind of hard cause she sounds like she might be one of those condescending bitches that points out rude things that she didn't have to and then says "just saying". I mean OP you could have just said it didn't look good, not "it's ugly"

you should have said:" you're dick is ugly, but you don't see me complaining!"

Cleveland steamer? I like where this is going, GIGGIDY!

saranottelling 7

Haha, I use that lame comeback with my friends all the time. He probably meant it. It's okay, just get some plastic surgery. Remember not to go overboard like Joan Rivers, we don't need another one of her!

great advice from an upstanding American- no doubt about that.

tuba_erika 1

you probably hurt his feelings but he still sounds rude.

kniickles 0

I wouldve said "hey, I'm faking it every night so we should be about even. "

My girlfriend pulled that trick on me. I said "Oh, really? Then we shouldn't have sex." 1 year and 8 months gone by.

that's pretty sad. well ya that but also he barely gets the guts to tell you in that in your face for how long that you two been together? or he was probably saving it for a comeback like that. ...but yeah that seriously is asshole-ish if a thing to say!

Odbalt 0

haha that's justsad how about buying a new one? haha