By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 17:35 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, I finally realized that when my seemingly very judgmental fiancé makes negative comments about other women, it's actually just an excuse to keep ogling them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 5 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Just look at how that dress clings to her body and cleavage, what a ****!"

rg350dx 29

Oldest trick in the book, love.


sptriangle 16

You have a genius on your hands. Be careful with that one.

Oh, please. As if taken people don't find other people attractive. It's not like he's gonna dump you right then and there if he sees another attractive woman.

All people look. As much as women say ''not all guys do'' yes, yes they do. Some are just more subtle. It doesn't bother me if my guy looks at other women as long as he has the decency to be discreet about it. But even if he looks, why should he want anyone else but me? I look at other guys now and then but I love my man and I wouldn't trade him for the world and wouldn't even dream about cheating on him. It's only when you start touching that it becomes a problem. Just because you're in a relationship it doesn't mean you don't find other people attractive anymore.

catharsis5 9

I don't know how to feel about you letting your fiance trash talk other women in front of you.

Oooh.. I get it. Like when Donkey wanted Shrek's boulder. Donkey: " Whoa. Look at that. Who'd wanna live in a place like that? " Shrek: " That.. would be my home " Donkey: " Oh and it is LOVELY. You know, you're really quite a decorator. It's amazing what you've done with such a modest budget. I like that boulder. That is a NICE boulder. "

That's an old one!!! I use that all the time!XD

tehdarkness 21

Oh great, a misogynist and a creep... I don't know you, but you can probably do better.

At least he's not complimenting them in detail to show you how secure he is in the relationship. I dated a guy like that once. Briefly, of course.