The customer is always an ass

By zanaruka - 19/05/2020 05:00

Today, an angry customer rubbed her hand all over my face, all while showing me her positive COVID-19 test results. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 672
You deserved it 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

In Australia that’s considered a federal crime with life in prison as the result. If your story is tru talk to the police, and notify your manager


Sady_Ct 37

In Australia that’s considered a federal crime with life in prison as the result. If your story is tru talk to the police, and notify your manager

Same here in the Netherlands, we just got two men in jail for doing something like that. Get her arrested.

Sucks that she disrespected you like that. Luckily, as an essential worker, your immune system has built itself up to the point that this won't effect you. But, damn, what a psycho!

rotflqtms_ 21

...we as essential workers can get it too... If we aren't careful, we can get it and we can die. Can't tell you how many of my fellow nurses have died after getting this. We are not safe from it just because we are essential workers. We are at risk, but we go out there and do it anyway.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

ignorance isn't a good look...

(Assuming that this is true), was she arrested for assault or not? Just touching a customer care agent, let alone with a potential infectious agent, can lead to assault charges. And did you wash your face well afterwards? If you didn’t breath in enough of the viruses, you might be in the clear.

"intentionally spreading an infectious disease" is a serious crime and you can defiantly sue.Pull any camera footage, or if you remember the persons name from the results they pulled out.Make sure theres a report of this at work.Sue that asshole into the ground and youll never have to work again, if you survive that is. good luck. youve got nothing to lose at this point so get on the phone with a lawyer.

angry customer with covid or not, nofuckingbody should be touching you!

MsMourningStar 22

At the very least that’s assault. Depending on what country you’re in is how much trouble they can get into. Here in the US something like that is considered an act of terrorism. Would definitely report her, you’re not the only one she’s being an asshole to like this. More people that can be protected from her, the better. Sorry she risked your health like that.

And that’s when you get them banned permanently and arrested for terrorism.

xXPikachuXx 21

File a police report. That's actually illegal.

I'd be calling the cops if this is actually true