By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 11:43 - United States - Quakertown

Today, I finished a big art project. It was a self-portrait done in acrylics. Proud of my piece, I showed my mom. After some thought her first comment was, "well, I'm either going to insult your art or your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 992
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her "Well I got my face from you so I guess you're just as ugly"


heres the thing about your mom, she doesn't know shit about art.

Or maybe she totally does and was an art history major. What do you know?

tell her "it's not my fault that I chose the wrong man to have kids with. either that, or just blame the woman who gave birth to me. thanks."

davek 36

What does your teacher say about it? My teachers thought I did well even when my mom didn't. Keep at the art-I did and never regretted it (my profile pic is one of my paintings).

I get that people are being nice, but seriously. Why does everyone go "aw, you're a great artist OP!" You've never seen the art and are obviously lying. Maybe it just sucked.

It's your mother, your face must look a lot like hers, so she'd be insulting herself...

avapaige1234 19

Mothers can be bitches sometimes, but you know they love you.

wylde696 1

to which you should've said: "Well i'm either going to insult you or your personality"