By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 11:43 - United States - Quakertown

Today, I finished a big art project. It was a self-portrait done in acrylics. Proud of my piece, I showed my mom. After some thought her first comment was, "well, I'm either going to insult your art or your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 992
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her "Well I got my face from you so I guess you're just as ugly"


smh . I bet your painting was really nice , bump what your mom said !

You probably made a funny looking face expression lol

Teddzz 19

Mom's like that could be making their kids sad and lonely. Unless that's a normal joke between you two.

Who cares. Even if you're not the best artist, it was something you accomplished/made, and you're obviously proud of your work. I can't draw a stick figure, and all throughout school I had no talent, but I still loved to do it.

I know how you feel OP. its probably a good painting!!!

Ah. Mothers. They can be proud of you and still brutally murder your self esteem.

You should've then said "I get my looks from you"