By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 11:43 - United States - Quakertown

Today, I finished a big art project. It was a self-portrait done in acrylics. Proud of my piece, I showed my mom. After some thought her first comment was, "well, I'm either going to insult your art or your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 992
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her "Well I got my face from you so I guess you're just as ugly"


hugozac88 22

At least it was good enough for her to act knowledge it was you on there :P don't worry if you paint it's bound to happen sooner or later

at least it looks exactly like the real thing.? (((: and just be like "well i am your child"

It's a mother's job to make fun of her child. And if you can't laugh at yourself, you have a terrible sense of humor.

Dude, a joke is one thing but this definately isn't something a mother should say to her child. If this is what you've grown to expect I feel very sorry for you.

olpally 32

Thanks for being a bitch mom. Geeze. :/

peytey123 3

It's ok, it's probably your face. Just kidding

Aw :( OP I'm sure you're talented and beautiful. Keep working on art! :)

You should've said, "Well I do look like you."

BunBunBabe 8

I'd say " well Im either going to hang it up in your room or break it over yours"

As long as you don't take feces and call it art, it probably isn't bad at all. I hate 'artists' who takes household objects or garbage and calls it art.

There is some stuff that looks pretty cool with household objects. Most of which are welded together.

28- it's a self portrait done in acrylics.. So no fences or anything.

TwinkleToes7 15

That's very messed up for a parent to say to their child! It's okay everyone is beautiful in their own way!!!!