By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I forgot my inhaler. I had an asthma attack and had to go to the ER. The doctors told me it wasn't an asthma attack. It was just a panic attack from worrying about whether I would get an asthma attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 857
You deserved it 18 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetjosephine 0

That sucks. And to the people saying "lame", "YDI", etc. Asthma is serious business. People die without their inhalers. That's like worrying about not having a parachute while skydiving. the OP had every right to freak out for forgetting their inhaler.

Aw, that's one of those things that isn't funny at the time but you'll laugh about it later. I don't have asthma but panic attacks are never fun :( And to all the people who leave comments saying YDI or that you should just get over it - unless you have asthma or know someone who has and suffers from attacks I don't think you have the right to judge whether this is a true FML. Also - have you never left something important behind before? Hope you feel better now though x


chroniclurker 0

Oh god, I hope you're okay now. I've scared myself into a panic attack worrying about an asthma attack before (I was sick and coughing and at one point it just wouldn't stop). At one point in my life, I actually gave my best friend one of my technically-expired-yet-still-good inhalers to keep in case I forgot mine and needed it; since we spent so much time together, it made a lot of sense.

Aw. I really think you should read the book "When Panic Attacks" By David Burns if you suffer from a lot of panic attacks. I promise it's one of the best books out there, just look it up on Amazon.

smiley_girl 0

that's happened to me... but I'm not asthmatic

Hahahaha! That's so something that would happen to me!

crazytom731 0

the irony is palpable... i've never tasted a literary device before... kinda tastes like chicken... not like tasteless but like chic-fil-a sandwhiches...

I HATE DOCTORS!!! *UGH* I feel your pain. :(

Ystar_fml 0

oohh FYL ive done that before, but not so much that i had to go to a hospital... i always forget my inhaler, asthma SUCKS Its so scary!

Samera_fml 0

Ah, well I have to say that that totally sucks. FYL. But, ah, it must be funny in retrospect at least, right?

Belive it or not, this is actually quite common i know a few people this has happened to, my friend thought she was having an athsma attack, so she took an inhailer, but looked at the date wrong and thought it was old and started having a panic attack because she thought the inhailer didnt work, but her asthma attack went, and she was just worried she was gunna die >.<