By asthmasucks - 19/09/2009 07:47 - United States
Same thing different taste
Catching my breath
By Hamish - 22/07/2021 06:01 - United Kingdom
By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States
By AintEasyBeinWheezy - 28/04/2016 18:26 - United States
Thanks for the support
By BadMomma - 15/03/2022 15:00 - United States - Kula
By Anonymous - 31/08/2013 20:52 - Norway - Nesoddtangen
By trying2breathe - 22/11/2009 16:49 - United States
By pikachu_43 - 21/03/2015 15:14 - United States - San Francisco
Trust the science
By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada
By =( - 15/02/2015 14:52 - Australia
By Samantha Glennie - 13/07/2018 20:30
Top comments
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Show it anywayI'm assuming he meant it would have been deadly if their neighbor didn't drive him to the ER or call an ambulance. and if the neighbors didnt do that... then OP should be dead right now...
Deadly has more than one meaning. It still fits as meaning extremely harmful.
DEADLY not FATAL ....... its like saying ccawww that shark is deadly... it can kill you if you poke it with a stick... dosent mean ur going to die if u get near it...... jease ... people seriously...
How about saying that a poisonous snake has a "deadly" snake bite. And then you get bit by it. And then you go the hospital and get some kind of anecdote. Then it still has a deadly snake bite, but you aren't dead.
Why would you tell a person to use a correct adjective when all they were doing was attempting to share a horrible experience? Way to be an insensitive prick.
lmfao ! haahaa
This FML is odd considering that COLD air exacerbates athsma. I would know considering that I have it.
uhmm social services?
Yeah @169 or a rehab clinic. You gotta admit the Dad probably has some problems,
Uhhh... I didn't know you could pawn a prescription.
102- Ron White called, he wants his joke back
I did, because the story isn't real, or at best the OP was being a drama queen. No pawn shop would give money for a used asthma inhaler. The inhaler itself costs $1 or so new, and it's the medicine in it that's expensive. Pawn shops can't buy or sell medicine. Probably, the OP (who is ten years old) is an idiot, and he loses his inhaler. He asks his dad if he'd seen the inhaler, and the dad jokingly says, "I pawned it for beer money." The OP gets so upset that he actually HAS an asthma attack, or perhaps fakes one. He goes to a neighbor's house and asks for a ride to the emergency room. But then, the joke's on the dad, because they don't have health care, and he ends up with a $700 medical bill.
Yes, they can actually.
thank you captain obvious!
Who the hell says it was pawned to a pawn shop? They're not the only people who'll buy something from you.
#83, some people WILL pay for an inhaler off someone and they are NOT a dollar. Inhalers with medication require a prescription and cost a decent amount of money and that also depends on the type of inhaler which, guessing by the fact that the asthma attack was severe, was Advair which is expensive because it has steroids in it.
Sorry but you're wrong. Advair isn't an emergency inhaler. It wouldn't help him in an asthma attack. It's used twice a day and meant to prevent them. Advair is expensive as all get out. Mine runs about $250 USD a month if I didn't have insurance. The kind of inhaler you use to stop an asthma attack is an albuterol inhaler. They will stop an asthma attack and cost about $10 USD without insurance.
Then how come mine cost $25 with insurance?
Actually, I get mine free from my doctor's office. Albuterol Sulfate, with the regular inhaler piece, and a spacer, all free. And insurance has nothing to do with it, it's samples from the various drug companies.
1574 ppl now
I agree with #15.
I agree with #69
Haha. I was thinking the same thing.
When you get home, pour all his booze down the sink, and repeat for the rest of his life.
agreed and when he reacts tell him to stop being a drama queen
EDIT: **** the FML commenting system..
Move out.
call CPS on your dad.
Did you die?
wooooowwwww the person sure did that's why they are commenting now right ? cuz theres fml in heaven .... or hell
use the empty beer bottles to ur advantage when u smash it over his head then pawn his organs for a new inhailer

When you get home, pour all his booze down the sink, and repeat for the rest of his life.
use the empty beer bottles to ur advantage when u smash it over his head then pawn his organs for a new inhailer