By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I forgot my inhaler. I had an asthma attack and had to go to the ER. The doctors told me it wasn't an asthma attack. It was just a panic attack from worrying about whether I would get an asthma attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 857
You deserved it 18 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetjosephine 0

That sucks. And to the people saying "lame", "YDI", etc. Asthma is serious business. People die without their inhalers. That's like worrying about not having a parachute while skydiving. the OP had every right to freak out for forgetting their inhaler.

Aw, that's one of those things that isn't funny at the time but you'll laugh about it later. I don't have asthma but panic attacks are never fun :( And to all the people who leave comments saying YDI or that you should just get over it - unless you have asthma or know someone who has and suffers from attacks I don't think you have the right to judge whether this is a true FML. Also - have you never left something important behind before? Hope you feel better now though x


#48 - pinkducttape - What I mean is that the OP just made the situation even worse, putting their own life in more danger by panicking. So if you want to save your life in a situation where it could be in danger, panicking is NOT the way to go.

ydi. i dont understand all the people on here getting panick attacks that cause the thing that caused the panick attack. seriously people need to chill the **** out

this website is so funny it's borderline ridiculous. I'm the poster from #60. i guess i'll just have to continue being happy playing sports, being in shape, and not needing an inhaler since i was about ten. and this was from a guy that had terrible allergies all spring and summer, was forced to be inside all the time, and generally hated being sick all the time. So i stopped taking medicines unless i really needed them. i started running until i couldn't breath. then i'd run a little further until i couldn't breath, then i wouldn't have to stop running until i was out of breath. did it take a long time? yeah, probably a year or two before i was off my inhaler. Was it worth it? absolutely, as i havn't had any asthma related problems for all that time. To the posters that so negatively rejected my advice, i don't care. just know that their are other options out their besides public opinion. Just because everyone believes something (i.e. you can't get rid of asthma) don't let it influence you. Question everything!! even my advice, as it may not work for you, but it did for me.

angelchik61 0

Has totally happened to me. I feel you.

I find this really pathetic. Although if it had happened to me I would probably feel the same way. Hypocrisy ftw.

dilley1489 0

haha omg that sounds like something that would happen to me......sad but true my inhaler is like a security blanket, and i always seem to NEED it when I dont have it on me. its more of a FOL entry....cuz im right there with ya.