By MoneyMoneyMoneyMonayMONAY - 21/03/2012 20:13 - United States

Today, I found a $10 bill on the ground. I got so excited and felt like I was the richest person alive. That was, until the wind blew it out of my hand, never to be seen again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 190
You deserved it 7 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I would've put it in my pocket as soon as possible,

This story makes no cents. I'll bet euro making this up, you filthy lira! That'll get you in truble, and you might get Pounded by a thug named Franc. I will, however, give you full marks for creativity, though.

Linder?? That was supposed to be "pounded". Damn.

Oh you made me smile and feel a little bitter sweet with your mistake. Linder was my late mother in laws name. *sigh*. I miss her.

Duckie - a kind mod came and fixed it, it appears. My condolences to you, and my thanks to the mods.

Thank you guys. It's coming up on two years now but we are still working throughs it. It was especially hard because the day after she died my father in law died. It was really strange and unexpected with him. Certain things kind of make me catch my breath. Don't even try to get to watch toy story three again.

Nothing lasts forever... Even your happiness xDD

Easy come easy go, not really a fml but hey. You didn't lose anything.

Right now I think I would cry if that happened to me. Tough break op. I feel your pain.

linkinpark98 23

I just love your username. :D

morgann_believee 5

Whoops, accidentally commented down. True though. (:

SlaveToRetail 10

I had so much fun saying OP's name outloud. :D

jujubunni5 9

This isn't really an FML it's more just really sad

Grammar_Nazi_97 0

You should put a comma between FML and it's

Grammar_Nazi_97 0
florido_fml 10

Can't miss something that wasn't yours.