By Dickhead - 25/11/2011 15:02 - Lebanon

Today, I found a condom on my bed with a note written by my girlfriend that said, "Since you started acting like a dick, you might as well dress like one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 539
You deserved it 62 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you just got buuuuuuuuurrrrned! lol best joke ever

Glitterhinoceros 14

It'd be really cool if you could fit your whole body into that be completely casual while talking to your girlfriend


Igor_g5 0

Maybe you should stop acting like a dick.

ILpalmtree 0
linkinpark98 23

Your girlfriend kicks ass! :) You also shouldn't have been acting like a dick either. Douche bag.

Why does the majority of you all thinks he deserves it? You don't even know if she's right.

mintypoison 22

Oh man do I wanna hear the rest of this story! You must've derseved it though. -shrugs-

LalaynaB 0

Atta be ! hahha that's awesome your girlfriend is hilarious !