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By crimsoncon - 25/11/2011 10:24

Today, my dog nearly died when my mom fed him chocolate. After finding out dogs are not supposed to eat chocolate, she promptly grounded me for not telling her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 517
You deserved it 2 812

Same thing different taste


The only reason dogs cant have chocolate is because of the caffine. It makes smaller dogs have an increae in heart rate that is unhealthy. Large dogs have a natually slower heart rate so they can tolerate some chocolate from time to time.

How could she get mad at you for something she's supposed to know? EVERYONE knows dogs can't have chocolate

18- thank you so much for clarifying what nobody asked you to clarify.

xoconnie 8

wellllll, you should have told her!!!!! lol jk. tht sucks, she really should have known that. i though it was common knowledge..

blackheart24 10

25- At least he is smart enough to clarify something? But I'm sure you teach us how to make piñatas hump, which is pretty intelligent to... :|

#56 You are giving him too much credit. Although caffeine is toxic to dogs the reason chocolate can kill dogs is because it contains theobromine. Theobromine has a higher concentration in darker chocolates.

I hate assholes like 25, some people like knowledge

I hate assholes like 25, some people like knowledge

Dumb bell! Some people need clarification! Hello!!!?!! dog almost died! Onions, raw potatoes and gum is also on that list of: do not give to dogs! Artificial sugar will kill a dog!

MyCleverName 2

25, Thank you for being a huge douche when no one asked you to be

iBiteRoses 22

LOL does anyone actually go up to someone and say "Hey would you mind terribly being a douche today? Thanks"

FMLandurstoo 9

^^^^ look at this emo with his "Death" kanji xD

36 you're going to slap him in his penis? damn that shit is going to hurt. May I know how you do this slap?

68, not literally. I was quoting Herbert from family guy.. seeing how #10's picture is of Herbert the pervert.

65- That's kinda geeky that you know that

65- That's kinda geeky that you know that

Sucks to be you but your lucky your dogs ok

Comments like these are almost worth making a ton of FML accounts then logging on to all of them and thumbing you down for being a dick.

Lucky your dogs ok? What kind of dog is it ? All the dogs we've had are labs. They handle chocolate like no other. We have a brown lab now, a few years back, he snuck in the candy room, and ate 3 pounds of chocolate. Our earlier dog, also a lab, ate chocolate ice cream and the whatnot regularly. Idk if we're just lucky, or it doesn't bother bigger dogs.

yodas0da 12

I sense some misplaced anger... aww your poor dog :(

I sense you not complete sentence properly.

Muslimgal92 0

I sense an idiot *wink* *wink*

uprising_fml 0
KiddNYC1O 20

You just fed your dog chocolate??

That0therguy 4

Ahahaha thanks.. I didn't have any of my self so I used that one.. It got cut off at the top it says it's not gay as long as the balls ain't touching then it says Ohhhh ****

I feed my dog chocolate sometimes, and he never gets sick or dies... But I guess he's one of the majority of dogs who /are/ allergic to chocolate ( T_T) (^-^ )

It's not an allergy, you dumbass, you're not supposed to give dogs chocolate. Small doses won't produce any effect, and some dogs may show a higher tolerance. Please refrain from being a dumbfuck in the future.

I have never intentionally given my dog chocolate but on Easter the kids left down their large solid chocolate dove bunnies and the dog ate all four and was totally fine. But it isn't good for them and something you shouldn't do intentionally.

It totaly ***** up their liver, and reduces their lifespan drasticaly as it may lead to liver failure. Seen it happen..

What about cats? Would it be bad if cats ate chocolate?

Chocolate is bad for both cats and dogs. Depending on the type of chocolate (semi sweet, dark, etc) depends on the severity of the reaction. It can cause illness and in some cases death. To the person above who intentionally fed their dog chocolate, go ahead and add some rat poison to your next meal you idiot and do us all a favor and rehome your poor dog with a family who actually cares about the well being of him/her!!

Just feed your cat= cat food your dog =dog food your fish fish food! Debtors that google it!

Well, I made a stupid comment again... If you need me, I'll be in my emo corner (T _ T)

Everyone that does (T.T) (>.>) (^.^) faces, it doesn't ******* make sense, stop it.

Its certain types of chocolate that can hurt a dog. No, chocolate isn't good to feed them but it may not do anything depending on what kind of chocolate

In small doses it's not as bad, but it could still hurt the dog's organ system. Unsweetened baker's chocolate is probably the worst type.

FusionPlacebo 26

My aunt's dog has eaten chocolate plenty of times. They are total idiots for doing feeding it to her and I wish they'd stop. Small doses can still harm her, but she's always fine. It brings me to tears knowing that they're feeding it to her just because she WANTS to eat it. It doesn't matter, don't ******* harm your precious bundle of fur.