By really? - 20/03/2013 04:55 - United States

Today, I found a purse in the school bathroom. When I looked inside, there was an iPod along with some other expensive stuff in it. I took it to the office so the right owner would get it back. The owner passed me in the hall on the way there; she freaked out and punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 738
You deserved it 3 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No good deed goes unpunished. Just explain it to her and keep doing the right thing.

It's ok OP. at least you were trying to do the right thing. Don't let her terrible reaction stop you from doing good things like that again.


NioBerry 7

but I've seen this same fml earlier

Did you scream "WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE, WHY LORD, WHYYYYY" in her face? If not, then you should have.

That's why I hate people. They're ******* stupid.

So either the man (op) was in the womens bathroom or the girl had been in the mens bathroom...both are a little worrying!

Whoops. Totally read that sex symbol wrong.

Agordoni83 6

Why wasn't the lady paying attention in the first place? You think she would have noticed missing something when she left a public bathroom...

You would be surprised by how easy it is to leave something behind. She could have been thinking about something, worried, something on the mind and walked out without it.

onorexveritas 23

I would've put it in my backpack so people wouldn't lie and be like "that's mine" or the actual owner punch me in the face

Stupid bitch. It's depressing when you try to help someone and this happens... I'd have whacked her across the face with her own bag.

People are too quick to jump the gun! I would have punched her right back and said here's your purse I was going to return to you that you left lying around. Feel better! Haha, it's only fair. And she still has the plus side.